-Writing is on the wall: How to write a scientific manuscript sans all the inherent stress involved in it?
报告题目:Writing is on the wall: How to write a scientific manuscript sans all the inherent stress involved in it?
报 告 人:Ravi Palanivelu
邀 请 人:秦源
Ravi Palanivelu,遗传学博士。1998年取得美国乔治亚大学获博士学位,1999年-2004年在任芝加哥大学做博士后研究,2004年-2005年成为芝加哥大学助理教授,2006年至今为亚利桑那大学副教授。主要从事:细胞和发育生物学、遗传学和表观遗传学等。其在遗传学领域已经有几十年的积累,特别在植物生殖发育领域有系统的研究有深厚的基础。重点研究目标是识别和描述花粉管信号生成及其导向作用,最终到达雌蕊进入胚囊完成双受精作用。目前主要致力于解决植物生殖生物学中一个长期但却鲜为人知的基本问题:雌性配子体如何控制双受精作用?已在Plant Cell、Plant Journal、Current Biol.、PLoS Genet等杂志发表文章几十篇。
All of us want to write, in fact have to write, a scientific manuscript during our tenure in academics. Unlike other essentials we need to do science, this important process is not typically formally taught, resulting in needless mystery and misery. Additionally, the myth is that it would be sufficient to deal with this critical process or learn about it, when it is time to write a scientific manuscript. This lecture will deconstruct and demystify the whole process and hopes to make the writing of a manuscript a scholarly and enjoyable experience it was always meant to be. This lecture is open to all interested academicians and all attendees will be provided with a 1 page manuscript writing guide to take with them.
1.Wang, Y., Tsukamoto, T., Noble, J.A., Liu, X., Mosher, R.A., and Palanivelu, R. (2017). Arabidopsis LORELEI, a Maternally-expressed Imprinted Gene, Promotes Early Seed Development. Plant Physiology175: 758-773.
2.Liu, X., Castro, C., Wang, Y., Noble, J., Ponvert, N., Bundy, M., Hoel, C., Shpak, E., and Palanivelu, R. (2016). The Role of LORELEI in Pollen Tube Reception at the Interface of the Synergid Cell and Pollen Tube Requires the Modified Eight-Cysteine Motif and the Receptor-Like Kinase FERONIA. Plant Cell. 28 (5):1035-52.
3.Leydon, A. R., Tsukamoto, T., Dunatunga, D., Qin, Y., Johnson, M. A., and Palanivelu, R. (2015). Pollen tube discharge completes the process of synergid degeneration that is initiated by pollen tube – synergid interaction in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 169: 485-496.
4.Qin, Y., Yadegari, R., and Palanivelu, R. (2015). ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN 6 regulates DISRUPTED MEIOTIC cDNA 1 gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana ovules. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 82 (7-8): 499.
5.Qin, Y.Q., Zhao, L., Skaggs, M.I., Andreuzza S., Tsukamoto, T., Panoli, A., Wallace, K.N., Smith, S., Siddiqi, I., Yang, Z., Yadegari, Z., and Palanivelu, R. (2014). ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN6 Regulates Female Meiosis By Modulating Meiotic Gene Expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26 (4): 1612-1628.