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发布时间 :2024-06-10    浏览:



1. 玉米复杂性状的基因型和环境互作;

2. 水稻生殖发育重要基因的挖掘和调控机制解析。



1. Liu N#, Du Y#, Yan S, Chen W, Deng M, Xu S, Wang H, Zhan W, Huang W, Yin Y, Yang X, Zhao Q, Fernie AR, Yan J*. The light and hypoxia induced gene ZmPORB1 determines tocopherol content in maize kernel. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 2024, 67(3):435-448. (Cover article)

2. Liu N, Du Y, Warburton ML, Xiao Y*, Yan J*. Phenotypic plasticity contributes to maize adaptation and heterosis. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021, 38(4) : 1262–1275.

3. Liu N, Liu J, Li W, Pan Q, Liu J, Yang X, Yan J, Xiao Y* . Intraspecific variation of residual heterozygosity and its utility for quantitative genetic studies in maize. BMC Plant Biology. 2018, 18(1): 0-66.

4. Liu N, Yan J*. 玉米维生素A生物强化研究进展和展望. 生命科学,2015, 27(8):1028-1036.

5. Zhan W, Liu J, Pan Q, Wang H, Yan S, Li K, Deng M, Li W, Liu N, Kong Q, Fernie AR, Yan J*. An allele of ZmPORB2 encoding a protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase promotes tocopherol accumulation in both leaves and kernels of maize. Plant Journal. 2019, 100(1): 114-127.

6. Wang H, Xu S, Fan Y, Liu N, Zhan W, Liu H, Xiao Y, Li K, Pan Q, Li W, Deng M, Liu J, Jin M, Yang X, Li J, Li Q*, Yan J*. Beyond pathways: genetic dissection of tocopherol content in maize kernels by combining linkage and association analyses. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2018, 16: 1464-1475.

7. Liu J, Huang J, Guo H, Lan L, Wang H, Xu Y, Yang X, Li W, Tong H, Xiao Y, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Li Q, Yan J. The Conserved and Unique Genetic Architecture of Kernel Size and Weight in Maize and Rice. Plant Physiology. 2017, 175(2):774-785.

8. Liu H, Wang F, Xiao Y, Tian Z, Wen W, Zhang X, Chen X, Liu N, Li W, Liu L, Liu J, Yan J, Liu J. MODEM: multi-omics data envelopment and mining in maize. Database (Oxford). 2016:baw117.

9. Xiao Y, Tong H, Yang X, Xu S, Pan Q, Qiao F, Raihan MS, Luo Y, Liu H, Zhang X, Yang N, Wang X, Deng M, Jin M, Zhao L, Luo X, Zhou Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhan W, Liu N, Wang H, Chen G, Cai Y, Xu G, Wang W, Zheng D, Yan J. Genome-wide dissection of the maize ear genetic architecture using multiple populations. New Phytologist. 2016, 210(3):1095-106.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:低氧诱导的ZmPORB1调控玉米籽粒中γ-生育酚含量的分子机制,2023.01-2025.12,主持。
